Sunday, October 21, 2007

Pre-departure Plans

We are currently in the last stages of outfitting Windreka III for our trip South. Joe will be at the boat this coming week while Sarah takes care of getting our new house in order prior to departure. Our new detached garage is almost finished and we have started moving some of the clutter from the attached garage to the detached one to redistribute our stuff. The photo depicts how things look as of today.

By the way, a house is a lot like a boat, but it's usually easier to get to things. For example, here's our house bilge and bilge pumps.

When the main tasks of outfitting Windreka III are finished, Joe will return to Ohio after the first of November. At that point, we will lock up the house and return to Annapolis by the end of the first week of November to cast off the dock lines and get underway.

When we are finally moving, we intend to relax and take it slow and easy on our ICW itinerary. We have friends to meet along the way and no planned schedule except to be home for Christmas...stay tuned!

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