The bascule bridge just north of the Daytona Beach anchorage has restricted opening hours during the morning and evening rush hours. So we planned on arriving at the bridge just after the morning rush hour restrictions ended. The wind was at our backs though it was a bit lighte most of the day. Nevertheless, it was another rolling, struggling with the helm much for following seas and winds at your back!
We arrived at the St. Augustine City Marina fuel dock to top off and established another personal best...diesel fuel at $4.10 per gallon! It just keeps going higher and higher. The fuel dock attendant told us that the price was $3.74 per gallon a week ago and the cost has gone up each day...just like the gas stations back home! One of our favorite web sites ( is attempting to track and advise boaters about the price of fuel and the location of fuel docks offering diesel and lower prices, but with the volatility of the fuel prices this will be difficult to do.
The City Marina is a bit pricey, but we are impressed with the courtesy and professionalism of the dock staff and the facilities are excellent. We were met at the fuel dock by Mike and Jim who helped us with our lines as we struggled with the wind, current and unfamiliar facility. After topping off, registering and paying our bill, we were assisted by Mike and Jim with our departure from the fuel dock and our arrival around the corner at our slip. We can't say enough in admiration of the way we were welcomed and with the extra effort that was made to ensure we were securely and properly tied up at the dock, our electrical lines connected, our cable TV connection was made, and a welcome mat laid out...yes, a welcome mat! It may be pricey but we certainly got royal treatment.
We made a run on the marina store to pick up some touring information to plan our time tomorrow. In the morning, we'll take the Trolley Tour ( to scope out the historical sites and in the afternoon, we'll stop at the ones we like best.
St. Augustine...the nation's oldest city...holds the distinction of being one of the nation's most
charming. St. Augustine was founded forty-two years before the English colony at Jamestown, Virginia, and fifty-five years before the Pilgrims landed on Plymouth Rock in Massachusetts - making it the oldest permanent European settlement on the North American continent. Read more about St. Augustine at:

The City Marina is a bit pricey, but we are impressed with the courtesy and professionalism of the dock staff and the facilities are excellent. We were met at the fuel dock by Mike and Jim who helped us with our lines as we struggled with the wind, current and unfamiliar facility. After topping off, registering and paying our bill, we were assisted by Mike and Jim with our departure from the fuel dock and our arrival around the corner at our slip. We can't say enough in admiration of the way we were welcomed and with the extra effort that was made to ensure we were securely and properly tied up at the dock, our electrical lines connected, our cable TV connection was made, and a welcome mat laid out...yes, a welcome mat! It may be pricey but we certainly got royal treatment.
We made a run on the marina store to pick up some touring information to plan our time tomorrow. In the morning, we'll take the Trolley Tour ( to scope out the historical sites and in the afternoon, we'll stop at the ones we like best.
St. Augustine...the nation's oldest city...holds the distinction of being one of the nation's most

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