Our route today took us past Daytona and NASCAR Heaven! We passed through in the middle of speed week culminating in the Daytona 500 later in the week. The DirectTV blimp was all over the area along with airplanes dragging huge banners beind them advertising a number of different things. We were amazed at the sudden increase in the number of power boaters we encountered today, but then we recalled it was the weekend. Obviously, everyone was enjoying the brief spell of nice weather. We got as far as New Smyrna Beach and stopped at a small anchorage at Rockhouse Creek just north of the New Smyrna Bridge...also under reconstruction. This time the nature of the reconstruction was repaving and the bridge would not open after 7AM and earlier than 5PM! Yes, that's not a typo...the bridge was closed all day and only opened early and late in the day. It's a good thing we knew about the extremely restricted hours...and it was the first time we ran into this situation.

We noticed some fancy artwork decorating the supports of one of the bridges today. We also noted the large number of condos.

We found out that NASCAR events aren't the only competition in town. Or maybe NASCAR also sanctions sailboard races and Optimist races which we passed on the ICW
The anchorage at Rockhouse Creek was small, tight and buggy, but we lowered our anchor at the entrance to the anchorage and it was a quiet and uneventful night. The next day we awoke early and got underway in the dark before sunrise.
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